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New Moon in Scorpio Is here to Ignite Passion & Intense Emotions

Writer's picture: Logaina MaamounLogaina Maamoun

Updated: Dec 21, 2021

The New Moon is in Scorpio, the fixed water sign, the Marian/P|uto ruled zodiac, the mysterious and passionate will bring in its transformational, elimination, rebirth, intense, emotional energy.

New revelations, lessons, areas of misalignment, secrets will be revealed under the Plutonian energy.

Scorpios are elusive water signs deeply concerned with their private emotions and the taboo parts of life. If you tend to avoid your feelings or refuse to face your shadow self (aka, your darker, more unpleasant side), you may feel uneasy about accepting the challenges the new moon will bring.

New moons are historically auspicious.

They’re the starting point of the monthly lunar cycle, which makes them the perfect time to manifest and set intentions.

What better way to do so than to explore your darker side and confront your emotions?

This is a great time to look inward, and all uncomfortable resistance that we have experienced may quietly reveal what we should remove from our lives in order to make room for positive evolution.

Which ares of your life maybe highlighted during this mean, goes according to your ascendant sign more accurately than your sun sign, which still is also considered. On the subconscious level, your moon sign should be also considered for you to know what is going on beneath your conscious mind.

(Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo are the 4 Zodiac Signs that will feel most Intensely).


This new moon activates your Eighth House of sex, death and magic. The focus for you, is less about action and more about peering into the parts of yourself that require more coaxing. Think about the way you’re investing your time, money, and energy. It may be time to settle debts, tying off loose ends that have been holding you back. Get to work talking to your shadows and listening closely to the echo of their answers.


The Scorpio new moon falls in your Seventh House of partnership. The lesson for you is to go deep — or go home alone. Things might get tense in your close relationships, and that’s only going to be illuminated during the new moon. Be prepared for some conversations with your spouse, partner, or close connections, but be careful not to respond aggressively to others. This is a new beginning for your relationships. It’s time to review where your relationships stand and consider what you need in order for your relationships to prosper and grow.


With the new moon falling in your Sixth House of daily habits. This new moon is all about establishing a routine that brings out the best in you. You will question how mundane routines can be done in order to serve you on a deeper level. You should consider better health diet and habits too.


This moon is moving through your Fifth House of creativity and pleasure. It’s a time to be led by — and towards — what feels good. Follow your inner child down the path towards self-love and easy expression. Think of all the creative projects you daydream about and all the fun activities you wish you could be doing.


This moon is hitting hard in your Fourth House of home, family and root. Don’t be surprised if you feel especially nostalgic during this lunation. Visit your roots or learn more about your heritage. Family issues may rise up, stay in your higher self and do not loose your temper if so. This new moon is helping you reconnect with your heart; with the part of you that wants to nurture and be nurtured.


While you never need an invitation to practice the kind of solitude this moon typically calls for, this cycle is activating your Third House of communication providing the drive to connect. If you have something to say, now’s the time to figure out how to say it. Let go of what’s preventing you from using the power of your voice so that you can unleash brilliant ideas. Making an overdue phone call or taking a walk with a friend, give someone the medicine of your words. A walk with a friend could be the connection you both need right now.


This new moon activates your Second House of possessions and values, making this an auspicious time to call into being abundance in myriad forms. This new moon will help you rediscover what you need in order to feel stable and grounded. Everyone needs a safety net, because it provides them with a feeling of security and self-reliance. Remember, Libra: the first step towards reaping rewards of any kind is believing that you deserve them.


Scorpio is the zodiac sign of transformation, which means that every difficult experience allows you to grow exponentially. Embrace how your failures have taught you so much. Embrace the prospect of failing again and again until it starts to feel like success. You’re in your power at present Scorpio, and there is little you can’t do with the Sun, new moon and Mars in your sign and on your side. Consider your wants wisely and take care not to waste your wishes. This is the most important New Moon of the entire year for you, so make sure that you’re taking big steps in the 10 days that follow it to create the life of your dreams.


The new moon is activating your 12th House of the unseen and the unconscious.You may feel somewhat removed from the world, as though the power of your imagination is distracting you from the busy, internet-oriented world around you. Be brave. You will not find the cure for fear in fleeing from it — only in staring straight at it. You’re embracing the new and multidimensional you.


This new moon is encouraging in your 11th House of friends and community. Now more than ever you are open to the possibility that while you can do it alone, the process of getting it done can be sweetened by collaboration. Connect with likeminded individuals who want to make a difference in the world. This is such a powerful new moon for meaningful networking.


The new moon in Scorpio is moving through your 10th House of career and public perception. Squaring with Uranus, your volatile ruler, You may be considering a new position, which may have you feeling anxious. Take control of that narrative and remind everyone — including yourself — what you’re capable of accomplishing.


This new moon in your Ninth House of travel, philosophy and higher learning wants you to feed your head, Pisces. Any combination of book reading, micro-dosing, Doors records and subliminal stimuli should do the trick. Seek broad horizons and strange shores.

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Astrology, Numerology, Moonology, Feng Shui, Energy, Personal growth, Natal chart, Spiritual rising

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Astrology, Numerology, Moonology, Feng Shui, Energy, Personal growth, Natal chart, Spiritual rising

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Read more You’re here, because you yearn to​ Live Life beyond the Ordinary​ We at Ikigai Living can help you with that.​ We help you learn about your inner higher Self, and innate wisdom. We help you find the way to raise your ability and tap into the power of the universe to guide you through life. You will be able to discover your greater purpose, including strengths, weaknesses, talents, and ambitions to reach beyond what you thought is your ultimate. Your voyage of life starts within yourself, so that you know how to become in sync with your personal energies… how to use them to your own advantage, use them to design the life you want to live. The secret lies in understanding how these energies emerge in your natal charts as your Life Challenges and your tools to raise your self-consciousness are found in your chart. Using Numerology and Astrology, to calculate your 2 Natal charts, to reach a 360 degree view of your blueprint created at the moment of your first breath when you came into accord with the energies of the universe. ​ ​​Using Moonology, Feng Shui, Energy Rituals and Aromatherapy, to help you in breaking through and reaching your destination of the Beyond. ========================================


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Read more You’re here, because you yearn to​ Live Life beyond the Ordinary​ We at Ikigai Living can help you with that.​ We help you learn about your inner higher Self, and innate wisdom. We help you find the way to raise your ability and tap into the power of the universe to guide you through life. You will be able to discover your greater purpose, including strengths, weaknesses, talents, and ambitions to reach beyond what you thought is your ultimate. Your voyage of life starts within yourself, so that you know how to become in sync with your personal energies… how to use them to your own advantage, use them to design the life you want to live. The secret lies in understanding how these energies emerge in your natal charts as your Life Challenges and your tools to raise your self-consciousness are found in your chart. Using Numerology and Astrology, to calculate your 2 Natal charts, to reach a 360 degree view of your blueprint created at the moment of your first breath when you came into accord with the energies of the universe. ​ ​​Using Moonology, Feng Shui, Energy Rituals and Aromatherapy, to help you in breaking through and reaching your destination of the Beyond. ========================================


Astrology, Numerology, Moonology, Feng Shui, Energy, Personal growth, Natal chart, Spiritual rising

Ikigai Living Moon Circles - Promo

Read more You’re here, because you yearn to​ Live Life beyond the Ordinary​ We at Ikigai Living can help you with that.​ We help you learn about your inner higher Self, and innate wisdom. We help you find the way to raise your ability and tap into the power of the universe to guide you through life. In these times of great change, it's especially important for community to have a sacred container for release and self-connection, a place with which to cultivate inner balance and peace. A place for belonging, for the nervous system to settle, to take a deep breath, and reset...This ritual creates space for somatic release, embodied surrender, and for clarity and focus in the REBIRTH phase of the New Moon or the cleansing and charging in the Full Moon. This is why “Ikigai Living” team started organizing these series of “Moon Circles” and " Ikigai Retreats". لو عجبكم الفيديو اشتركوا في القناة ادعموا القناة بالاشتراك فيها وعمل لايك علي الفيديو اعرفوا اكتر عن المعارف اللي باتكلم عنها لو عندك أي استفسار أو عايز استشارة مجانية ممكن نتواصل تابعوا محتوى أكثر أول بأول على البلوج ======================================== #moon #newmoon #fullmoon #mooncycles #moonology #lunar #lunarcycles #moonwater #meditation #aromatherapy #astrology #vedicastrology #astrologyhealing #astrological#astrologicalhealing #astrologicalchart #numerology #lifepath #fengshui #flyingstar #energy #session #spirituality #spiritualhealing #NLP #enneagram #neurolinguistic #crystalhealing #reiki #pranichealing #arttherapy #shaktiyoga #breathingmeditation #breathe #breathwork #breathing #guidedmeditation #guidedbreath #guidedbreathing #retreat ======================================== ========================================


Astrology, Numerology, Moonology, Feng Shui, Energy, Personal growth, Natal chart, Spiritual rising

Full Moon in Pisces healing Circle - Ikigai Living

Read more In these times of great change, it's especially important for community to have a sacred container for release and self-connection, a place with which to cultivate inner balance and peace. A place for belonging, for the nervous system to settle, to take a deep breath, and reset...This ritual creates space for somatic release, embodied surrender, and for clarity and focus in the REBIRTH phase of the New Moon or the cleansing and charging in the Full Moon. This is why “Ikigai Living” team started organizing these series of “Moon Circle Healing Events”. You’re here, because you yearn to​ Live Life beyond the Ordinary​ We at Ikigai Living can help you with that.​ We help you learn about your inner higher Self, and innate wisdom. We help you find the way to raise your ability and tap into the power of the universe to guide you through life. Your voyage of life starts within yourself, so that you know how to become in sync with your personal energies… how to use them to your own advantage, use them to design the life you want to live. The secret lies in understanding how these energies emerge in your natal charts as your Life Challenges and your tools to raise your self-consciousness are found in your chart. لو عجبكم الفيديو اشتركوا في القناة ادعموا القناة بالاشتراك فيها وعمل لايك علي الفيديو اعرفوا اكتر عن المعارف اللي باتكلم عنها لو عندك أي استفسار أو عايز استشارة مجانية ممكن نتواصل تابعوا محتوى أكثر أول بأول على البلوج ======================================== #moon #newmoon #fullmoon #mooncycles #moonology #lunar #lunarcycles #moonwater #meditation #aromatherapy #astrology #vedicastrology #astrologyhealing #astrological#astrologicalhealing #astrologicalchart #numerology #lifepath #fengshui #flyingstar #energy #session #spirituality #spiritualhealing #NLP #enneagram #neurolinguistic #crystalhealing #reiki #pranichealing #arttherapy #shaktiyoga #breathingmeditation #breathe #breathwork #breathing #guidedmeditation #guidedbreath #guidedbreathing #retreat ======================================== ========================================


Astrology, Numerology, Moonology, Feng Shui, Energy, Personal growth, Natal chart, Spiritual rising

Ikigai Living with Zen Retreats Egypt - Ras Sedr

Read more You’re here, because you yearn to​ Live Life beyond the Ordinary​ We at Ikigai Living can help you with that.​ We help you learn about your inner higher Self, and innate wisdom. We help you find the way to raise your ability and tap into the power of the universe to guide you through life. In these times of great change, it's especially important for community to have a sacred container for release and self-connection, a place with which to cultivate inner balance and peace. A place for belonging, for the nervous system to settle, to take a deep breath, and reset...This ritual creates space for somatic release, embodied surrender, and for clarity and focus in the REBIRTH phase of the New Moon or the cleansing and charging in the Full Moon. This is why “Ikigai Living” team started organizing these series of “Moon Circles” and " Ikigai Retreats". لو عجبكم الفيديو اشتركوا في القناة ادعموا القناة بالاشتراك فيها وعمل لايك علي الفيديو اعرفوا اكتر عن المعارف اللي باتكلم عنها لو عندك أي استفسار أو عايز استشارة مجانية ممكن نتواصل تابعوا محتوى أكثر أول بأول على البلوج ======================================== #moon #newmoon #fullmoon #mooncycles #moonology #lunar #lunarcycles #moonwater #meditation #aromatherapy #astrology #vedicastrology #astrologyhealing #astrological#astrologicalhealing #astrologicalchart #numerology #lifepath #fengshui #flyingstar #energy #session #spirituality #spiritualhealing #NLP #enneagram #neurolinguistic #crystalhealing #reiki #pranichealing #arttherapy #shaktiyoga #breathingmeditation #breathe #breathwork #breathing #guidedmeditation #guidedbreath #guidedbreathing #retreat ======================================== ========================================


Astrology, Numerology, Moonology, Feng Shui, Energy, Personal growth, Natal chart, Spiritual rising

Ikigai Living at Zen Retreats Egypt - Fayoum

Read more You’re here, because you yearn to​ Live Life beyond the Ordinary​ We at Ikigai Living can help you with that.​ We help you learn about your inner higher Self, and innate wisdom. We help you find the way to raise your ability and tap into the power of the universe to guide you through life. Your voyage of life starts within yourself, so that you know how to become in sync with your personal energies… how to use them to your own advantage, use them to design the life you want to live. @zenretreatsegypt ========================================

Astrology, Numerology, Moonology, Feng Shui, Energy, Personal growth, Natal chart, Spiritual rising

Ikigai Living - New Moon in Virgo circle

Read more You’re here, because you yearn to​ Live Life beyond the Ordinary​ We at Ikigai Living can help you with that.​ We help you learn about your inner higher Self, and innate wisdom. We help you find the way to raise your ability and tap into the power of the universe to guide you through life. ​​Using #Moonology, #FengShui, #Energy #Rituals, #Astrology, #NLP, #Breathing Techniques, #Crystal #Healing and #Aromatherapy, to help you in breakthrough and reach your destination of the Beyond. Meet the team: Logaina Maamoun: Hanan Elbahie: Aya Nabil: Engy Hamdy, Co-Founder of: لو عجبكم الفيديو اشتركوا في القناة ادعموا القناة بالاشتراك فيها وعمل لايك علي الفيديو اعرفوا اكتر عن المعارف اللي باتكلم عنها لو عندك أي استفسار أو عايز استشارة مجانية ممكن نتواصل تابعوا محتوى أكثر أول بأول على البلوج ======================================== #moon #newmoon #fullmoon #mooncycles #moonology #lunar #lunarcycles #moonwater #meditation #aromatherapy #astrology #vedicastrology #astrologyhealing #astrological#astrologicalhealing #astrologicalchart #numerology #lifepath #fengshui #flyingstar #energy #session #spirituality #spiritualhealing #NLP #enneagram #neurolinguistic #crystalhealing #reiki #pranichealing #arttherapy #shaktiyoga #breathingmeditation #breathe #breathwork #breathing #guidedmeditation #guidedbreath #guidedbreathing #retreat ======================================== ========================================


Astrology, Numerology, Moonology, Feng Shui, Energy, Personal growth, Natal chart, Spiritual rising

Full Moon in Aquarius Circle

Read more You’re here, because you yearn to​ Live Life beyond the Ordinary​ We at Ikigai Living can help you with that.​ We help you learn about your inner higher Self, and innate wisdom. We help you find the way to raise your ability and tap into the power of the universe to guide you through life. In these times of great change, it's especially important for community to have a sacred container for release and self-connection, a place with which to cultivate inner balance and peace. A place for belonging, for the nervous system to settle, to take a deep breath, and reset...This ritual creates space for somatic release, embodied surrender, and for clarity and focus in the REBIRTH phase of the New Moon or the cleansing and charging in the Full Moon. This is why “Ikigai Living” team started organizing these series of “Moon Circles” and " Ikigai Retreats". ​​Using #Moonology, #FengShui, #Energy #Rituals, #Astrology, #NLP, #Breathing Techniques, #Crystal #Healing and #Aromatherapy, to help you in breakthrough and reach your destination of the Beyond. Meet the team: Logaina Maamoun: Hanan Elbahie: Aya Nabil: Engy Hamdy, Co-Founder of: لو عجبكم الفيديو اشتركوا في القناة ادعموا القناة بالاشتراك فيها وعمل لايك علي الفيديو اعرفوا اكتر عن المعارف اللي باتكلم عنها لو عندك أي استفسار أو عايز استشارة مجانية ممكن نتواصل تابعوا محتوى أكثر أول بأول على البلوج ======================================== #moon #newmoon #fullmoon #mooncycles #moonology #lunar #lunarcycles #moonwater #meditation #aromatherapy #astrology #vedicastrology #astrologyhealing #astrological#astrologicalhealing #astrologicalchart #numerology #lifepath #fengshui #flyingstar #energy #session #spirituality #spiritualhealing #NLP #enneagram #neurolinguistic #crystalhealing #reiki #pranichealing #arttherapy #shaktiyoga #breathingmeditation #breathe #breathwork #breathing #guidedmeditation #guidedbreath #guidedbreathing #retreat ======================================== ========================================


Astrology, Numerology, Moonology, Feng Shui, Energy, Personal growth, Natal chart, Spiritual rising

Moon Circles - Lion Gate Portal - New Moon in Leo

Read more You’re here, because you yearn to​ Live Life beyond the Ordinary​ We at Ikigai Living can help you with that.​ We help you learn about your inner higher Self, and innate wisdom. We help you find the way to raise your ability and tap into the power of the universe to guide you through life. In these times of great change, it's especially important for community to have a sacred container for release and self-connection, a place with which to cultivate inner balance and peace. A place for belonging, for the nervous system to settle, to take a deep breath, and reset...This ritual creates space for somatic release, embodied surrender, and for clarity and focus in the REBIRTH phase of the New Moon or the cleansing and charging in the Full Moon. This is why “Ikigai Living” team started organizing these series of “Moon Circles” and " Ikigai Retreats". لو عجبكم الفيديو اشتركوا في القناة ادعموا القناة بالاشتراك فيها وعمل لايك علي الفيديو اعرفوا اكتر عن المعارف اللي باتكلم عنها لو عندك أي استفسار أو عايز استشارة مجانية ممكن نتواصل تابعوا محتوى أكثر أول بأول على البلوج ======================================== #moon #newmoon #fullmoon #mooncycles #moonology #lunar #lunarcycles #moonwater #meditation #aromatherapy #astrology #vedicastrology #astrologyhealing #astrological#astrologicalhealing #astrologicalchart #numerology #lifepath #fengshui #flyingstar #energy #session #spirituality #spiritualhealing #NLP #enneagram #neurolinguistic #crystalhealing #reiki #pranichealing #arttherapy #shaktiyoga #breathingmeditation #breathe #breathwork #breathing #guidedmeditation #guidedbreath #guidedbreathing #retreat ======================================== ========================================


Astrology, Numerology, Moonology, Feng Shui, Energy, Personal growth, Natal chart, Spiritual rising

Ikigai OMkara

Read more You’re here, because you yearn to​ Live Life beyond the Ordinary​ We at Ikigai Living can help you with that.​ We help you learn about your inner higher Self, and innate wisdom. We help you find the way to raise your ability and tap into the power of the universe to guide you through life. You will be able to discover your greater purpose, including strengths, weaknesses, talents, and ambitions to reach beyond what you thought is your ultimate. Your voyage of life starts within yourself, so that you know how to become in sync with your personal energies… how to use them to your own advantage, use them to design the life you want to live. The secret lies in understanding how these energies emerge in your natal charts as your Life Challenges and your tools to raise your self-consciousness are found in your chart. Using Numerology and Astrology, to calculate your 2 Natal charts, to reach a 360 degree view of your blueprint created at the moment of your first breath when you came into accord with the energies of the universe. ​ ​​Using Moonology, Feng Shui, Energy Rituals and Aromatherapy, to help you in breaking through and reaching your destination of the Beyond. ========================================


Astrology, Numerology, Moonology, Feng Shui, Energy, Personal growth, Natal chart, Spiritual rising

Ikigai Living - Our services Started

Read more Astrology, involves the forecasting of earthly and human events through the observation and interpretation of the fixed stars, the Sun, the Moon, and the planets. Astrology is a method of predicting mundane events based upon the assumption that the celestial bodies—particularly the planets and the stars considered in their arbitrary combinations or configurations (called constellations)—in some way either determine or indicate changes in the sublunar world. Special relations were believed to exist between particular celestial bodies and their varied motions, configurations with each other, and the processes of generation and decay apparent in the world of fire, air, water, and earth. The motions of the stars govern only the elemental world, leaving the soul free to choose between the good and the evil. Man’s ultimate goal is to attain emancipation from an astrologically dominated material world. لو عجبكم الفيديو اشتركوا في القناة ادعموا القناة بالاشتراك فيها وعمل لايك علي الفيديو اعرفوا اكتر عن المعارف اللي باتكلم عنها لو عندك أي استفسار أو عايز استشارة مجانية ممكن نتواصل تابعوا محتوى أكثر أول بأول على البلوج ========================================


Astrology, Numerology, Moonology, Feng Shui, Energy, Personal growth, Natal chart, Spiritual rising

Ikigai Living - Aura & Chakras - Part 2 of Law of Attraction

Read more Auras are thought of as the unseen field of energy surrounding a person's physical body. They're affected by our mood and emotional state (and sometimes the states of others), and different colors are associated with different qualities and emotions. Each layer of your aura is said to correspond to a different chakra. Chakras are thought to be different centers of energy within your body. Some layers or chakras may be more dominant. Others may be less visible and less easily sensed. When our main seven chakras are open and balanced, energy can flow freely through our bodies and minds. When any of these energy centers are blocked, it leads to stagnation and can contribute to a variety of physical and spiritual ailments. You’re here, because you yearn to​ Live Life beyond the Ordinary​ We at Ikigai Living can help you with that.​ We help you learn about your inner higher Self, and innate wisdom. We help you find the way to raise your ability and tap into the power of the universe to guide you through life. لو عجبكم الفيديو اشتركوا في القناة ادعموا القناة بالاشتراك فيها وعمل لايك علي الفيديو اعرفوا اكتر عن المعارف اللي باتكلم عنها لو عندك أي استفسار أو عايز استشارة مجانية ممكن نتواصل تابعوا محتوى أكثر أول بأول على البلوج ======================================== #moon #newmoon #fullmoon #mooncycles #moonology #lunar #lunarcycles #moonwater #meditation #aromatherapy #astrology #vedicastrology #astrologyhealing #astrological#astrologicalhealing #astrologicalchart #numerology #lifepath #fengshui #flyingstar #energy #session #spirituality #spiritualhealing #NLP #enneagram #neurolinguistic #crystalhealing #reiki #pranichealing #arttherapy #shaktiyoga #breathingmeditation #breathe #breathwork #breathing #guidedmeditation #guidedbreath #guidedbreathing #retreat ========================================


Astrology, Numerology, Moonology, Feng Shui, Energy, Personal growth, Natal chart, Spiritual rising, Chakras, Aura

Ikigai Living - Religious Verification of New concepts

Read more You’re here, because you yearn to​ Live Life beyond the Ordinary​ We at Ikigai Living can help you with that.​ We help you learn about your inner higher Self, and innate wisdom. We help you find the way to raise your ability and tap into the power of the universe to guide you through life. You will be able to discover your greater purpose, including strengths, weaknesses, talents, and ambitions to reach beyond what you thought is your ultimate. Your voyage of life starts within yourself, so that you know how to become in sync with your personal energies… how to use them to your own advantage, use them to design the life you want to live. The secret lies in understanding how these energies emerge in your natal charts as your Life Challenges and your tools to raise your self-consciousness are found in your chart. Using Numerology and Astrology, to calculate your 2 Natal charts, to reach a 360 degree view of your blueprint created at the moment of your first breath when you came into accord with the energies of the universe. ​ ​​Using Moonology, Feng Shui, Energy Rituals and Aromatherapy, to help you in breaking through and reaching your destination of the Beyond. لو عجبكم الفيديو اشتركوا في القناة ادعموا القناة بالاشتراك فيها وعمل لايك علي الفيديو اعرفوا اكتر عن المعارف اللي باتكلم عنها لو عندك أي استفسار أو عايز استشارة مجانية ممكن نتواصل تابعوا محتوى أكثر أول بأول على البلوج ======================================== #moon #newmoon #fullmoon #mooncycles #moonology #lunar #lunarcycles #moonwater #meditation #aromatherapy #astrology #vedicastrology #astrologyhealing #astrological#astrologicalhealing #astrologicalchart #numerology #lifepath #fengshui #flyingstar #energy #session #spirituality #spiritualhealing #NLP #enneagram #neurolinguistic #crystalhealing #reiki #pranichealing #arttherapy #shaktiyoga #breathingmeditation #breathe #breathwork #breathing #guidedmeditation #guidedbreath #guidedbreathing #retreat ========================================


Astrology, Numerology, Moonology, Feng Shui, Energy, Personal growth, Natal chart, Spiritual rising

Ikigai Living - The secrets of Law of attraction - Part 1/3

Read more The Law of Attraction is the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life. The belief is based on the ideas that people and their thoughts are made from "pure energy", and that a process of like energy attracts like energy exists through which a person can improve their health, wealth, and personal relationships. It is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. It is believed that regardless of age, nationality or religious belief, we are all susceptible to the laws which govern the Universe, including the Law of Attraction. It is the Law of Attraction which uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality. IT IS NOT JUST THAT!!!!!! Learn more about it and how to master it. لو عجبكم الفيديو اشتركوا في القناة ادعموا القناة بالاشتراك فيها وعمل لايك علي الفيديو اعرفوا اكتر عن المعارف اللي باتكلم عنها لو عندك أي استفسار أو عايز استشارة مجانية ممكن نتواصل تابعوا محتوى أكثر أول بأول على البلوج ======================================== #moon #newmoon #fullmoon #mooncycles #moonology #lunar #lunarcycles #moonwater #meditation #aromatherapy #astrology #vedicastrology #astrologyhealing #astrological#astrologicalhealing #astrologicalchart #numerology #lifepath #fengshui #flyingstar #energy #session #spirituality #spiritualhealing #NLP #enneagram #neurolinguistic #crystalhealing #reiki #pranichealing #arttherapy #shaktiyoga #breathingmeditation #breathe #breathwork #breathing #guidedmeditation #guidedbreath #guidedbreathing #retreat ========================================


Astrology, Numerology, Moonology, Feng Shui, Energy, Personal growth, Natal chart, Spiritual rising

Ikigai Living - Ikigai Concept & Philosophy

Read more Ikigai (pronounced “eye-ka-guy”) is, above all else, a lifestyle that strives to balance the spiritual with the practical. This balance is found at the intersection where your passions and talents converge with the things that the world needs and is willing to pay for. لو عجبكم الفيديو اشتركوا في القناة ادعموا القناة بالاشتراك فيها وعمل لايك علي الفيديو اعرفوا اكتر عن المعارف اللي باتكلم عنها لو عندك أي استفسار أو عايز استشارة مجانية ممكن نتواصل تابعوا محتوى أكثر أول بأول على البلوج ========================================


Astrology, Numerology, Moonology, Feng Shui, Energy, Personal growth, Natal chart, Spiritual rising

Ikigai Living - Astronomy for the sake of Astrology

Read more Astronomy is the study of the universe and its contents outside of Earth’s atmosphere. Astronomers examine the positions, motions, and properties of celestial objects. Astrology studies how those positions, motions, and properties affect people and events on Earth. Your voyage of life discovery starts within yourself. Learning how to sync with your personal energies… how to conduct them to your own advantage, using them to design the life you want to live. The secret lies in understanding how these energies emerge in your natal charts! Using Numerology, Astrology, Moonology, Aromatherapy and Energy knowledge to get you to start the Journey and figure out your route to give you the ultimate edge in life. لو عجبكم الفيديو اشتركوا في القناة ادعموا القناة بالاشتراك فيها وعمل لايك علي الفيديو اعرفوا اكتر عن المعارف اللي باتكلم عنها لو عندك أي استفسار أو عايز استشارة مجانية ممكن نتواصل تابعوا محتوى أكثر أول بأول على البلوج ======================================== #moon #newmoon #fullmoon #mooncycles #moonology #lunar #lunarcycles #moonwater #meditation #aromatherapy #astrology #vedicastrology #astrologyhealing #astrological#astrologicalhealing #astrologicalchart #numerology #lifepath #fengshui #flyingstar #energy #session #spirituality #spiritualhealing #NLP #enneagram #neurolinguistic #crystalhealing #reiki #pranichealing #arttherapy #shaktiyoga #breathingmeditation #breathe #breathwork #breathing #guidedmeditation #guidedbreath #guidedbreathing #retreat


Astrology, Numerology, Moonology, Feng Shui, Energy, Personal growth, Natal chart, Spiritual rising

Ikigai Living - Our General Concepts

Read more Ikigai (pronounced “eye-ka-guy”) is, above all else, a lifestyle that strives to balance the spiritual with the practical. This balance is found at the intersection where your passions and talents converge with the things that the world needs and is willing to pay for. لو عجبكم الفيديو اشتركوا في القناة ادعموا القناة بالاشتراك فيها وعمل لايك علي الفيديو اعرفوا اكتر عن المعارف اللي باتكلم عنها لو عندك أي استفسار أو عايز استشارة مجانية ممكن نتواصل تابعوا محتوى أكثر أول بأول على البلوج


Astrology, Numerology, Moonology, Feng Shui, Energy, Personal growth, Natal chart, Spiritual rising

Ikigai Living Introduction - Part 2

Read more Your voyage of life discovery starts within yourself. Learning how to sync with your personal energies… how to conduct them to your own advantage, using them to design the life you want to live. The secret lies in understanding how these energies emerge in your natal charts! You’re here because you yearn to know who you really are, how others perceive you, and the unique opportunities that lay ahead.. We at Ikigai Living, help you with this. Using Numerology, Astrology, Moonology, Aromatherapy and Energy knowledge to get you to start the Journey and figure out your route to give you the ultimate edge in life. لو عجبكم الفيديو اشتركوا في القناة ادعموا القناة بالاشتراك فيها وعمل لايك علي الفيديو اعرفوا اكتر عن المعارف اللي باتكلم عنها لو عندك أي استفسار أو عايز استشارة مجانية ممكن نتواصل تابعوا محتوى أكثر أول بأول على البلوج


Ikigai Living - Introduction Part 1

Read more This is our introduction video of Ikigai Living - Egypt Your voyage of life discovery starts within yourself. Learning how to sync with your personal energies… how to conduct them to your own advantage, using them to design the life you want to live. And the secret lies in understanding how these energies emerge in your natal charts! You’re here because you yearn to know who you really are, how others perceive you, and the unique opportunities that lay ahead.. We at Ikigai Living, help you with this. Using Numerology, Astrology, Moonology, Aromatherapy and Energy knowledge to get you to start the Journey and figure out your route to give you the ultimate edge in life. لو عجبكم الفيديو اشتركوا في القناة ادعموا القناة بالاشتراك فيها وعمل لايك علي الفيديو اعرفوا اكتر عن المعارف اللي باتكلم عنها لو عندك أي استفسار أو عايز استشارة مجانية ممكن نتواصل تابعوا محتوى أكثر أول بأول على البلوج


Numerology, Astrology, Ikigai, Energy, Moonology, Self Development, Spiritual, Natal Charts, Feng Shui, Egypt, Ancient Egypt

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